Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Save the Date!

There are so many upcoming events at RCE - a much longer, detailed post is needed, but for right this second - I only have time to tell you to mark your calendars for the annual Spring Family Dance! The flier didn't make it in Friday Folders last week {sorry!}, but look for it this week! We know you want to come rock out with the Bangles, school your kids on how to do the Roger Rabbit, and show off your sweet Hammer pants that you keep tucked away for special occassions. Now's your chance!
And if you'd like to help throw up some decorations - meet us at 2:30 that day {Friday, March 4th} in the commons area.
Make sure you send in the form at the bottom of the flier to RSVP, and we'll see you there!